Monday, July 12, 2010

All About Pinot…

Pinot Noir is by far the most widely planted grape variety in Oregon. It is by far the most popular wine made here and certainly the most well know. Oregon has literally established its excellent wine reputation on the ability to produce world class pinot noir. Those of us living in the Umpqua Valley are well aware that we do so much more than make excellent pinot but it is Oregon pinot that has put us on the world wine map. Pinot noir has become synonymous with Oregon wine and has brought us world wide attention and credibility as a wine region to be reckoned with.

Pinot noir is one of the oldest grape varieties to be cultivated for the purpose of making wine. Recognized worldwide as a great wine grape, pinot noir is grown in Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany Greece, Hungary, Italy Mexico, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United States. While pinot is grown all over the world it is the pinot noir wines of Burgundy France that have allowed for its tremendous reputation. The two-mile-wide, thirty-mile-long stretch of hills, called the Côte d'Or ("Slope of Gold"), is the holy grail for producing the very best pinot noir wines. Wines from this region are considered the benchmark for great pinot. The Willamette Valley here in Oregon has earned the reputation as the best pinot producing region in the US.

There are many different clones of pinot noir. While there are 46 recognized pinot noir clones in France, there are estimated to be between 200 to 1000 different clones worldwide. Pinot noir is grown for producing the red wine we have come to know and love here in Oregon but it is also the grape used in Champagne and most sparkling wines. It is a very difficult grape to grow. It is thinned skinned and nearly every affliction known to affect grape vines is common among pinot noir vineyards. It is also a very difficult wine to make. The challenges that come with growing and making top quality pinot noir are part of the allure for talented grape growers and vintners. The ability to make a well finessed, balanced, beautiful bottle of pinot is very much the pinnacle for many winemakers and it is that challenge that keeps our dedicated vintners striving each year to make the very best pinot possible.

Great pinot noir creates a lasting impression on both the palate and the memory. With so many clones available, combined with each unique vineyard site and the challenges in growing and producing pinot, there are many different styles of wine made. The quality can vary greatly as can the flavor profiles. Pinots can display fruity characteristics very often black cherry, strawberry and raspberry. Some pinots are more earthy with almost a barnyard quality to them and others are more floral with hints of roses and violets. And there is very often layers of spice and vegital characteristics too. Much to explore and to appreciate in this very complex wine.

While the Umpqua Valley has not yet received the same recognition for making world class Pinot that has been bestowed upon the Willamette Valley many of us think it is just a matter of time before that happens. The numerous awards our areas pinots consistently receive make that very clear. Just get out and try some local pinot noir and you too will be convinced.

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